The Beginning: Pursuing My Purpose With BC Serna’s Purpose Mastermind

Amanda Saleh
2 min readDec 23, 2022
Amanda Saleh

I am currently pursuing my purpose with BC Serna’s Purpose Mastermind to dive deeper into my heart…to learn more about myself, love, and community…to set myself forward in healing, and work towards life goals to serve God and you though Him.

When this year started, I set my intention word for 2022: Relationships.

It was a pledge to invest more deeply into people: into family, friends, teammates in work & play.

I would like to think that I’m doing okay.
How am I doing?
And how can I invest more deeply in us?

This new incredible journey is six weeks long; and of course, will continue even after that. It’s time to set an intention word that will shape this experience.

After praying and meditating on it, and some wise words from a mentor, I chose it: OPEN.

Open (adj.) — allowing access, passage, or a view through an empty space; not closed or blocked up.

So vague, capable of shifting in definition as need be, and so specific, if I let it be.

Open (to me) — to receive and be received by others. How can I open myself to receive you with clarity and depth? Am I willing to allow myself to be received by you with clarity and depth?

We can only run for so long, intentionally or unintentionally: from ourselves and the ones who wish to hold us…from the One who has always wished to hold us.

You know that weird dichotomy just like me: Wanting to be seen and held, but feeling afraid of being seen and held.

And, you ask yourself: which one is it? For even God sees me every day and every which way, and for some reason, it fails to feel like it is enough. And, you just come to know that the challenge is not outside of you, but within you.

Somewhere along the way, you realized that man vs. self is indeed the greatest battle. And, somewhere along the same way, perhaps at a different point, you also realized that your heart is ever-expanding like He who created you.

And so, you surrender to God. Surrender to your love tribe.

Open: to intentionally hold you and allow myself to be held by you.

My Dearborn community- whatever I learn, whatever I find, I will bring to you. Love is here, and more love is on its way.

[originally written: May 26, 2022]



Amanda Saleh

Salām. I am just a visitor in service. All good is from God. All shortcomings are from me. Thank you for being here.