Tips for Your First (Or Next) Ziyara to Iraq

Note: These tips were sent to me by a beloved friend (permission to share has been granted). It is a blessing to pass these on to you all!
- Before you leave for Ziyara, make a list of the people that you would like to pray for. This is so you don’t forget anyone while you are visiting the shrines. If needed, you can add to your list when you get to the shrine(s).
- Before heading to the shrine, perform ghusl (preferably followed by wuḍūʾ). Do this each time you visit a shrine.
- When you first arrive, rush to the shrine by walking fast (don’t run and don’t push). A lover rushes to his beloved.
- On the way to the shrine, do not talk about the Dunya (this world).
- Avoid paying too much attention to the people at the shrine(s) or to the beautiful domes and architectural design. Instead, keep your focus on the Imams (as) that you are visiting. Keep your head somewhat down if you need to.
- When you first enter the shrine of the Imam (as): Read the Ziyarat of entrance, pray two Rakaat, and thank God for the blessing of Ziyarat. Go to the Zarih, kiss the floor, and thank God again. Then, talk to the Imam (as).
- When walking towards the shrine in Karbala, Iraq, imagine Karbala as it was on the morning that Imam al-Husayn (as) was killed. See nothing but him. Do not pay attention to the shrine or the people. See Imam al-Husayn (as); and look at Karbala in the way that he (as) experienced it and how he saw it: alone, thirsty, oppressed, and afraid for Sayeda Zaynab (as).
- Worldly requests are for Abu al-Fadl (as). Akhirah (afterlife) requests are for Imam al-Husayn (as).
- When you ask from Abu al-Fadl (as), be aggressive. Do not be afraid to be aggressive. Hit the Zarih; and tell Abu al-Fadl (as) that if he doesn’t grant you your wishes, then you will complain about him to Imam al-Husayn (as) or to Imam Ali (as), whoever you are visiting next. Write all of the requests that you want to make to Abu al-Fadl (as) on a piece of paper; so, you don’t forget them.
- Ask Imam Husayn (as) to look after you in three places: the time of death, during the trouble(s) of the grave, and the Day of Judgement.
- Whichever shrine that you are visiting, sit in the shrine and just think.
- When you enter any Maqām, it is mustahabb (recommended) to recite Surah Al-Fatihah and blow. Repeat it seven (7) times, if possible.
- For every Maqām, buy turbahs and spread them around for Sadaqah Jariyah (flowing charity). Do it on behalf of others, such as martyrs, family, and friends.
- Do not go anywhere alone, and keep the card for your hotel on hand at all times.
- Do not put money anywhere, or give it to anyone; only put it in the Maqām, or directly into the donation boxes.
- Do not wear new clothes, and do not wear perfume.
- Offer your help whenever you see the opportunity. For example, if you see someone sweeping the Maqām, quickly and kindly help them.
- Remember: Ask anything you want from Imam al-Kāẓim (as) — he is Bab-ul-Hawaij (the door to fulfilling people’s needs) of the Ahlul Bayt (as).
- Remember: As soon as you sight the dome of Imam Ali (as), the first three (3) requests that you make are granted.
More tips and advice (written by a different author) can be found here.
Wishing you a life-changing Ziyara, insha’Allah. May your visit be accepted. Please keep me and the writer(s) of this list in your duaas. Salām.